Life Insurance
No one ever wants to think of the time when they are no longer around, but it is the people that are left behind who need to be thought of when the worse happens. These events usually come unexpectedly and the people you care about will have a lot of things to deal and financial hardship should not be one of them and does not need to be if you prepare. It is common practice to insure your home, car even phone however life insurance is often not prioritised. Some questions to ask yourself:
- How would your family meet the cost of living if you were not here?
- How would they be able to replace the loss of your income?
- What would happen to the family home if they mortgage could not be paid?
Taking responsible action and the right level of protection can ensure that your family remains in their home & has the financial resource to maintain their lifestyle. Home Capital Wealth is able to discuss and assist in securing the best protection options for our clients.
Buildings and Content Insurance
Once a property is secured it is important to ensure that it has the right level of insurance to financially protect your home and belongings for example, if your home is damaged or destroyed in a fire, having the right insurance could mean the insurance provider will pay to replace your belongings and repair or rebuild your home. For landlords protecting the building providing you revenue is obviously important but also in the event your tenant doesn’t pay their rent you can protect yourself from the serious financial implications of this.
Home Capital Wealth can provide options for:
- Individual homeowners for buildings and contents
- Landlords Insurance
- Rent Guarantee Insurance / Tenant Default Insurance.